I Read Twilight 10 Years Later | Portable Magic | Maryland Wedding Photographer

As I sit here it is a cold and rainy Tuesday on Cinco De Mayo – I hope everyone has been well and I hope you’re all continuing to remain safe. Since I’m not shooting I figured I’d continue my Portable Magic series as part of my rotation of topics. I started the book  May 4th – Star Wars Day of course and the day Midnight Sun was announced. I caved. Hard.

I finished reading the book on May 19, 2020, at 2:54 pm.

*sigh* This series. It’s problematic.

I don’t understand why I didn’t realize the things I did at 14. When I was young I was head over heels in love with this series and I wanted my own vampire boyfriend comparing my boyfriend to my own Edward Cullen once we started dating. I had a lot of thoughts with this and I almost feel bad for criticizing it the way that I am because this series has so many good memories attached to it. It got me into reading which I’m not ashamed to say. It gave me some nostalgia while i read remembering playing Linkin Park in the background while i read all day by my window in my bedroom. Twilight is special to me and it always will be. But that doesn’t take away the blatant issues in this book. Let’s begin.

First of all Bella’s attitude. Now, I completely understand that teen angst we’ve all experienced. Good Gods I did that myself. I had Bella’s attitude of being miserable for seemly no reason. She moves to Forks in the first place for her mother who wants to spend more time with her husband who travels alot. She is doing this of her own free will but she complains about it the entire time. She constantly says how much she hate’s forks: “Ew green.” “Ew wet.” ” I hate everything”  The constant “misery” and “clouds of depression” that took over her so easily was frustrating to say the least.

However her misery of snow? TOTALLY VALID – fight me.

Also, how are all of these guys in the school are just instantly in love with her. I mean, I know she’s the new kid but what’s with the insta love with all the normal boys? If she looks like a normal Washingtonian then why are they obsessed? I’m sorry this doesn’t seem realistic to me? She rejects them all and then sets them up with her friends because thats just what you do with your friends right?I guess she’s just oh so quirky right because she’s “Not like other girls” right?

Something else I noticed is how Bella suddenly lives for Edward and Edward only the moment he sees him. That doesn’t happen. Bella has this crazy obsession with Edward that she doesn’t stop with. Even when he warns her multiple times that he isn’t good for her she blatantly ignores it. I agree with Edward on this a little human reaction would be nice from Bella. She is literally almost raped and doesnt care. Edward tells her he can read minds – but not hers- and she thinks she’s the freak? Edward? A vampire? Nope no reaction there. No fear at all being around a being that could kill you in a second. We dont really get fear from her until she’s faced with James.

Can I also mention the fact that they literally aren’t dating for more than two days and Edward pulls the line ” You’re my life now.” and ” I love you” to her? It reminds me of those middle school relationships where they suddenly declare they’re dating and it’s. “kk ily <3" " ily 2 <3" " kk gtg." "lol k bye"

I'm sorry WHAT??

*sigh* And then there's Edward.

Edward is an ass. I said it. I have alot of issues with him. ALOT. First of all HE BROKE INTO HER HOUSE AND WATCHED HER SLEEP FOR MONTHS BEFORE THEY EVEN STARTED DATING. I have to get that out of the way first because my GOD that is creepy and kind of gross. "It's interesting to watch you sleep." I'm sorry do you really not remember what it was like to sleep? That's stalker behavior people. Not romance.


Edward is a character that is constantly conflicting with himself. He feels he's damned because he's a vampire. He thinks he's a monster. He knows he's deadly. He knows he isn't good for Bella. He said so himself he literally wanted to kill her the second he smelled her. Then he realized he couldn't read her mind like everyone else and wanted to get to know her so I guess that's how he falls for her?

Edward is so frustrating constantly getting annoyed with her and then laughing it off like no big deal. The number of times I read " you could see the anger in his eyes" Was insane. He's controlling, manipulative, and he completely invalidates Bella's feelings all the time. Are you kidding me? He always has to say how he loves her more. How she shouldnt want to be a vampire. He forces her to go to prom because it's the "human" thing to do. Bella says so herself that she wouldn't have gone to prom on her own in the first place. Not to mention how much they argue at the end of the book.

Also, can we talk about how Bella had to scream and beg Edward to GO BACK so her father wouldn't get killed by James? I'm sorry if you were a caring boyfriend that you so claim you would listen to your girlfriend and make sure her family is safe without having her beg you.

I honestly could go on and on about this book but I'm not going to waste your time with it.  The writing was fine I did have a few qualms with some word choice also with just how much Edward chuckled. Oh my. There was a moment I thought I was still pure trash for this book but then there were multiple occasions I had to put this book down because of the "I can't" moments.

With ALL of that said though – I had fun with this book. And that's not a bad thing. The frustration was there of course but it was a fast read, easy to digest and the nostalgia was pure fun. I will read the others because why not. Also, I will spend my money on Midnight Sun because I'm genuinely curious. I actually didn't read it when it was leaked years ago so I have no idea how that will go.

Also, if you didn't believe how much I loved twilight please proceed to the image below. This is a note my 15-year-old self wrote in her copy of Twilight that my now 26-year-old self is totally embarrassed by. Oh well. Enjoy a couple thoughts I wrote down when I remembered to take notes.

WAIT WAIT WAIT – WHY  DID I WRITE THIS???? *proceeds to scream laugh at note she wrote in her copy*


“He WaS a ChAtTeReR” I’m sorry what?

He spoke in an attractive voice. I’m sorry what? How? Why not something like ” His voice sounded like warm velvet as he quietly argued with the receptionist. I found myself attracted to the part of him” But I’m not an author! I am not an author.

“Stupid Shiny Volvo owner” I still love that line for some reason.

That’s all for now!

Stay Inspired, Keep On Dreaming.

-S. ❤